Inaugural Math Relay for GMS
Recently, sixth-grade students participated in a unique review to prepare for their math nine-weeks test: a math relay. The track around the football field was transformed into a relay course with seven stations—four dedicated to math problems and three featuring sports activities, including jump rope, bean-bag toss, and basketball dribbling.
Recently, sixth-grade students participated in a unique review to prepare for their math nine-weeks test: a math relay. The track around the football field was transformed into a relay course with seven stations—four dedicated to math problems and three featuring sports activities, including jump rope, bean-bag toss, and basketball dribbling.
Math teachers Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Johnson, and Ms. Rutherford divided their classes into four smaller teams. Each team raced to the first math station, where they worked both individually and collaboratively to complete eight problems. Once they finished, the team leader submitted their answers to the station lead for verification. If any answers were incorrect, the team had to rework those problems. Once all answers were confirmed correct, the team ran to the jump rope station, where each member completed ten jumps before the next teammate could go. This relay continued until all teams completed all seven stations.
Assistant Principal Mrs. Bloodworth awarded ribbons to the first, second, and third place winners. Additionally, the first-place class for each time slot earned the honor of keeping a trophy in their classroom for a specified period.
A big thank you to the math teachers for organizing the relay, as well as the helpers: Ms. Tina Lott-Riaz, Ms. Centria Lott, Mr. Jeff Hollingsworth, Mr. Lewis Jones, Mr. Jasmon Golliday, Mrs. Robin Fair, and the high school National Honor Society students.