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Grenada Enrichment & Transition Center

Grenada School District’s mission is to ensure that all children reach their maximum potential within a safe learning environment. Sometimes a student is not able to flourish in a traditional classroom setting and benefits from attending classes at the Grenada Enrichment and Transition Center.

Located in its own building on the old Tie Plant School campus, the GETC provides a safe, useful detour for students who have fallen off the traditional path in their school journey. 

Director Chip Foster sees different types of students here. Some have run afoul of the rules at their respective school and serve out a detention here where they continue to work virtually and keep up with their lessons in a small classroom environment.

Other students have behavioral, social, or emotional disorders that have caused them to receive referrals in their normal school environment. The small classroom setting provided at GETC, which is more structured with one-on-one instruction from teachers, is often what’s needed to keep them on track. 

Foster says that most students who arrive at GETC need a taste of success. He and his teachers have implemented strategies to make them successful, to motivate them, and to keep them on pace with their grade level. Ultimately, the goal is to reintegrate students into the normal school environment or guide them toward earning a GED. 

If you think your child would benefit from GETC, contact the student’s principal.


Grenada Enrichment & Transition Center Director Chip Foster

Grenada Enrichment and Transition Center

809 Tie Plant Road
Phone: (662) 226-3311

Chip FosterDirector

Pam MeltonOffice Manager

Tremayne KincaidTeacher

Monica ReeceTeacher/Instructional Specialist

Cameron TawaterTeacher

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